linux - How does "cat << EOF" work in bash? - Stack Overflow
The cat <<EOF syntax is very useful when working with multi-line text in Bash, eg. when assigning multi-line string to a shell variable, file or a pipe. Examples of cat <<EOF syntax usage in Bash: 1. Assign multi-line string to a shell variable $ sql=$(cat <<EOF SELECT foo, bar FROM db WHERE foo='baz' EOF )
Is there replacement for cat on Windows - Stack Overflow
Sep 13, 2008 · Usage: cat file1 file2 file3 file4 -o output.txt -o | Specifies the next arg is the output, we must use this rather than ">>" to preserve the line endings I call it sharp-cat as its built with C#, feel free to scan with an antivirus and source code will be made available at request
How does an SSL certificate chain bundle work? - Stack Overflow
Unix: cat cert2.pem cert1.pem root.pem > cert2-chain.pem Windows: copy /A cert1.pem+cert1.pem+root.pem cert2-chain.pem /A 2.2 Run this command. openssl verify -CAfile cert2-chain.pem cert3.pem 2.3 If this is OK, proceed to the next one (cert4.pem in this case) Thus for the first round through the commands would be
linux - How can I copy the output of a command directly into my ...
May 25, 2017 · cat file | xclip. Paste the text you just copied into a X application: xclip -o. To paste somewhere else other than an X application, such as a text area of a web page in a browser window, use: cat file | xclip -selection clipboard Consider creating an …
linux - Retrieve last 100 lines logs - Stack Overflow
Aug 6, 2018 · You can simply use the following command:-tail -NUMBER_OF_LINES FILE_NAME. e.g tail -100 test.log. will fetch the last 100 lines from test.log
git - How do I access my SSH public key? - Stack Overflow
Sep 30, 2010 · On terminal cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. explanation. cat is a standard Unix utility that reads files and prints output ~ Is your Home User path /.ssh - your hidden directory contains all your ssh certificates
Looping through the content of a file in Bash - Stack Overflow
Oct 6, 2009 · $ cat /tmp/test.txt Line 1 Line 2 has leading space Line 3 followed by blank line Line 5 (follows a blank line) and has trailing space Line 6 has no ending CR There are four elements that will alter the meaning of the file output read by many Bash solutions:
selenium - How facebook change CDN url onclick on Facebook …
Nov 19, 2020 · Facebook Page messenger or Chat is different than Facebook general messenger at least how it handles attachments. Unfortunately Facebook doesn't provide any archiving or backup facility for Busines...
How to get .pem file from .key and .crt files? - Stack Overflow
Oct 11, 2017 · cat otherfilegodaddygivesyou.crt gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt > name.crt Then I used these instructions from Trouble with Google Apps Custom Domain SSL , which were: openssl rsa -in privateKey.key -text > private.pem openssl x509 -inform PEM …
Facebook Image URL gets expired - Stack Overflow
May 27, 2015 · I am pulling Facebook posts using facebook-graph API, now the problem is Image gets expired after few days. I have the following URL for a single Image Old Image URL which got expired https://