idioms - Pouring rain vs. to pour with rain - English Language …
Mar 30, 2018 · The commentator is wrong "It was pouring rain" does not work. Note that "pouring with rain" is a particular kind of rain; as if someone was tipping it out of a bucket. Its not "fine …
word choice - pouring down snow sounds wrong - English …
Dec 3, 2015 · You are right, 'pouring' is only for fluids, most often liquids. Although it is also possible to pour some gasses, and granulated solids e.g. "to pour sugar" or "to pour sand" …
Is "Raining Cats and dogs" still used nowadays?
Aug 22, 2016 · Yes, "cats and dogs" is still in use and almost all Americans will understand. There is also the airplane pilot's description of truly bad weather when driving a car: "It's IFR weather …
writing - "This raining is falling hard" would it be wrong? or how …
Dec 20, 2020 · Don't go with either, those are not something commonly said. "This rain is falling hard" sounds bad, but "This raining is falling hard" sounds worse. Both are improper English. …
phrase usage - Is "rain is falling" entirely wrong? - English …
Mar 9, 2013 · The word rain describes both an object (the physical rain from the sky) and a state of the weather (it is raining today). So if you are stating what the weather is, it sounds a bit …
grammar - Do these sentences mean the same: "I sat watching the …
Feb 25, 2022 · B: I sat watching the rain. 2-"I sat while I was watching the rain.". I think it means I had been watching the rain for some time in a standing position, then I got tired, and I decided …
"It was raining" vs. "It rained" -- When to use which one?
Dec 2, 2015 · Do the sentence "It was raining" and the sentence "It rained" mean the same thing? Another example: "I walked to the park" vs. "I was walking to the park" mean the same thing? …
word choice - An orange juice vs some orange juice - English …
Jan 26, 2015 · Agreed; it's the fact that there's a standard amount per serving at a restaurant. It turns a fluid quantity (Coca Cola) into a countable noun (a [serving of] Coca Cola). If …
What’s the word (synonymous to “pour”) for describing the …
Feb 21, 2021 · This is where it gets a little tricky, because it depends on scale. A small number of sugar cubes doesn't behave like a fluid at small scale. But a truckload of sugar cubes at a …
grammatical number - "Five thousand tons of water flow/flows ...
Apr 19, 2015 · About a million tons of lava are pouring every day from the fissure which opened on the Sicilian volcano in December. So in the following sentence both flow and flows are …