Manoj Bajpayee recalled how filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra once bit his wife Shabana Raza's hand. Manoj Bajpayee's wife, ...
Reportedly, Amitabh was approached to play space scientist, Rohit Mehra's father. But the actor rejected the project after knowing that he will be paired opposite Rekha ...
Manoj Bajpayee recounted an incident involving 12th Fail director Vidhu Vinod Chopra, who once bit his wife Shabana Raza's ...
Manoj Bajpai recalls an incident from the filming of Kareeb when director Vidhu Vinod Chopra bit Neha Bajpai's hand to fix a scene.
Bollywood celebrities are known for their opulent lifestyles, often reflected in their choice of luxury automobiles. Here are ...