We are pleased to announce a new fellowship established in collaboration with the Flatiron Institute in New York. This agreement, initiated by Sandro Sorella and recently finalised, aims to provide a ...
SISSA offers a high-level international research environment where outstanding research projects are carried out. Our mission is to help researchers find the suitable call to carry out their project ...
From 27 to 29 September, the Festival of Scientific Research is back in Trieste with a programme of over 100 events in Italian and English, 300 speakers and great international guests. The 13th ...
The Master in Data Management and Curation, organised by Area Science Park, Istituto Officina dei Materiali (CNR-IOM), and SISSA, commenced this morning. This advanced programme is designed for ...
Ha preso il via questa mattina il Master in Data Management and Curation, organizzato da Area Science Park, Istituto Officina dei Materiali (CNR-IOM) e Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi ...
The Visiting PhD Students Training Program (ViS) aims to give the opportunity to PhD students coming from other institutions to attend SISSA Basic PhD Courses intended for first-year students, as well ...
Ziruo Zhang 2023 Francesco Benini A study of BPS and near-BPS black holes via AdS/CFT Postdoc at Beijing, China ...
The International School for Advanced Studies is one of the leading scientific institutions in Italy for postgraduate training and high-level research. Theoretical Particle Physics is traditionally ...
Dal 27 al 29 settembre torna a Trieste il Festival della Ricerca Scientifica, con un palinsesto di oltre 100 eventi in italiano e in inglese, 300 relatori e grandi ospiti internazionali. La XIII ...
Per anni celebrate come il motore dell'innovazione, di recente il ruolo delle startup è stato ridimensionato (anche in conseguenza di una bolla speculativa che è andata sgonfiandosi dopo l'incremento ...