Russia’s Labor Ministry has drafted plans to establish professional standards for writers, outlining the job’s formal ...
The phrase “apartment bombings” in Russia evokes a series of terrorist attacks that happened in 1999. In two weeks, ...
Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, announced on Friday that the country’s National Security and Defense Council has ...
The government had announced plans to make Ulken the site of independent Kazakhstan’s first nuclear power plant — and at a ...
Dmitry Klevtsov, the deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Housing Committee, announced that since 2019, the waiting list for subsidized housing had halved, dropping from 146,700 to 78,600 families.
Иран не передал России мобильные пусковые установки для поставленных баллистических ракет «Фатх-360», пишет Reuters ...
Глава Краснодарского края Вениамин Кондратьев сообщил, что в Тихорецком районе из-за падения обломков беспилотника возник ...
В музыкальной библиотеке Лейпцига обнаружили партитуру ранее неизвестного 12-минутного произведения Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта ...