In a major win for small-scale food farmers in Kenya, “the Kenya Court of Appeal blocked the Kenyan government from importing ...
Why Diageo, Rodale Institute, Zero Foodprint, and more are among Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies in agriculture for ...
In the context of Non-Target Organisms (NTOs) gaining increasing relevance in the field of agricultural biotechnology, ...
GMO 2.0 is happening whether we want it or not—let’s make sure it’s a power for good. With genetically modified organisms ...
EU countries agreed to push forward with plans to ease current restrictions on some gene-edited crops—a move backed by farmer ...
Germany's Bayer has won an injunction to suspend a court ruling that gave Brazilian soybean farmers the right to reimbursement for royalties paid for expired patents of genetically modified soy seeds, ...
The EU is to set to release a new class of genetically modified crops from strict regulation that dates back over 20 years, ...
"EU governments have voted on the side of a handful of big corporations’ profits, instead of protecting farmers and consumers’ right to transparency and safety" – Friends of the Earth Europe ...
To protect thousands of varieties of heirloom corn, Mexican leaders have amended the constitution to ban the planting of ...
The groups say that although there is no official data on the cultivation of GM wheat in Paraguay, sectors linked to ...
Weeds grow at the edge of an agricultural field. Drift from the herbicide dicamba could impact pollinator populations in patches of plants such as ...
Genetically-modified wheat seed can’t be ... without any evidence of fault and in advance of the crop’s harvest,” David Snively, Monsanto’s general counsel, said in that statement.