Long Run Time - These clippers feature convenient ... 12 attachment guards for home hair cutting & trimming with everything you need to achieve the style you want Give the Gift of Quality ...
Anderson recently named the four "sexiest" hairstyles for men, according to a survey of women. The four "sexiest" hairstyles ...
Whether it’s fighting with your blow dryer to get it dry in a reasonable amount of time or dealing with strands that just won’t stay where you want them, thick hair can feel l ...
Mad Men' barber Theresa Rivers offers tips to get Don Draper's perfectly coiffed late-60s Madison Avenue haircut. "The great thing about the styles from ... never requires a clipper, so make ...
Tuesday, many gathered in the town of Burgaw to celebrate Ray Rivenbark's retirement and his nearly sixty years of barbering.
If you're wondering how to style short hair, take it from someone ... “I usually cut this style with my fingers instead of clippers to keep the shape soft and use texturizing shears or a razor ...