Scientists believe the exoplanet HD 20794 d, six times the mass of Earth, could harbour liquid water on its surface.
HD 20794 d is expected to be a focal point for upcoming projects like the Extremely Large Telescope, the Habitable Worlds Observatory, and the Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). These ...
Scientists have officially confirmed the discovery of a new super-Earth, HD 20794 d, located just 20 light-years away. This ...
An international team of scientists has confirmed the discovery of exoplanet HD 20794 d, which potentially could support life ...
HD 20794 d, a planet with six times Earth's mass, orbits a sun-like star 20 light years away. Its position within the habitable zone suggests conditions that could allow liquid water to exist.
The planet was originally identified two years earlier by Oxford University scientist Dr Michael Cretignier. The finding has ...
An international team has confirmed the discovery of a super-Earth orbiting in the habitable zone of a nearby sun-like star.
The exoplanet – a planet outside our solar system – has a mass six times greater than that of Earth, and orbits in the ...
Scientists work to define a “habitable zone,” which means that if it’s too close to a star, the water heats and evaporates, and too far, it freezes. Also, the atmospheric conditions need to be just ...
A newly confirmed exoplanet around a nearby sunlike star might be astronomers’ best chance yet to look for life beyond the ...