The next step toward Ann Arbor’s Sustainable Energy Utility becoming a reality happens at tonight’s City Council meeting.
Thousands of Michigan residents are still without power on Sunday after storms moved through the state on Saturday.
Some customers in areas of Northwest Michigan were particularly affected by outages, according to Great Lakes Energy.
Strong winds pushed across Michigan on Saturday, leaving thousands without power. Here's where the wind was strongest.
In finance, cognitive biases tend to affect investor decision-making, says Austin Barbosa, CFA, senior analyst in Client ...
High winds Saturday have resulted in thousands of Metro Detroit customers affected by scattered power outages.
Power companies across the Lower Peninsula offer multiple ways to report electric outages, see affected areas online.
Shares of DTE Energy Co. DTE rallied 1.92% to $135.26 Friday, on what proved to be an all-around great trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX rising 2.13% to 5,638.94 and the ...
DTE also operates a 14 MW lithium ion battery system in Trenton. In 2024, it began construction of its 220 MW Trenton Channel ...
We want residents to know that the city is deeply committed to fighting for the rights of our ratepayers,” said Missy Stults, ...
If it works as planned, a sustainable energy utility like this could quickly build the clean energy grid of the future by ...