Student loan repayments weigh heavily on the incomes of many Americans. While some see this debt as unduly large and argue the state should help to relieve it, others say it is th ...
The last round of student loan forgiveness from the administration caps a tumultuous effort to deliver widespread relief to ...
Biden announced more than $600 million in student loan forgiveness for an additional 8,000 borrowers on Thursday.
The Biden administration announced its final round of student debt relief, forgiving a total of more than $600 million in student loans for 8,650 borrowers.
Millions of student loan borrowers saw their debts forgiven under President Joe Biden's administration. In most cases, the ...
The SAVE payment pause prevented some PSLF borrowers from getting debt relief. This buyback option could help.
President Joe Biden will leave the White House with some unfulfilled promises to federal student loan borrowers, but he can ...
In a significant move to address the student debt crisis, the Biden administration announced its "final round" of student ...