A sure way to tell the two types of mums apart is that florist mums are usually sold in pots in the fall, covered with ...
Chrysanthemums, or mums for short, are the quintessential plants that will bring glorious color to your garden in the fall. The impressive variety of cultivars includes those with blooms in a full ...
Mums bloom based on day length, not plant maturity. Different varieties are bred to flower earlier in the season (shorter nights) or later in the season (longer nights). You can often find this ...
While they are more resilient than other varieties, they nevertheless need specific conditions to withstand frost. Annual mums, which are often sold as decorative plants, are more sensitive to the ...
Keep fall's favorite flower blooming abundantly all season long. Mums are the stars of the fall garden, and there's nothing that says autumn more than a front stoop covered in pots of big ...