Big news before the DA increase announcement! Government teachers' salaries are increasing significantly. The monthly salary ...
Abstract: Since the inception of the Fourth Republic in 1993, Ghana has made significant strides in expanding access to basic ...
The system will divide teachers' evaluations into categories and be used, in part, to determine their salaries.
It’s unclear exactly how much the new BTU benefits will cost, as few details have been released by the union, and BPS did not ...
Houston ISD board managers approved a new, locally designed system teacher evaluation system that will be used, in part, to ...
The Prince William County School Board unanimously approved Wednesday night the division’s fiscal 2026 budget, bringing ...
The Prince William County School Board unanimously approved Wednesday night the division’s fiscal 2026 budget, bringing salary increases and increased support for special education and English learner ...
The Teachers Association of Baltimore County (TABCO) rallied outside of Perry Hall High School Wednesday evening, ahead of the Baltimore County budget town hall meeting.
CMS Superintendent Crystal Hill told the Rotary Club of Charlotte on Tuesday that the district should be receiving a state ...
The South San Antonio ISD board of managers has approved the purchase of Bluebonnet Learning, a widely debated state-written ...
U.S. students’ scores on the test often called the “Nation’s Report Card” decreased on average in both math and reading to ...
The March 15 incident of a teacher of a residential school in Kaij taluka of Beed district dying by suicide over non-paymen.