La companyia afirma que, amb els que ja estan implantats, els dispositius estan permetent reduir el 5% les fuites, i el 30% les incidències amb clients ...
The village of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca – which is located on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast near the Panama border – comes alive with reggae music, funky bamboo bars and a wild nightlife.
Any of the best golf bags are a wise investment, whether you're an avid golfer out every weekend or an occasional player who plays a few times a season. I'm the kind of golfer who prefers to play ...
Learn more When it comes to finding the best work bags for women, the stakes are high. These bags need to seamlessly blend style with function, offering ample space for your laptop and essentials ...
Yolo Journal’s Yolanda Edwards likes travel bags that don’t look like travel bags and can therefore be used for everyday sightseeing and shopping upon reaching your destination. Parker Thatch ...
The small resort of Talamanca is just two km from the centre of cosmopolitan Ibiza Town and a short stroll from the marinas, which is why the beach has a truly international character. Cala Talamanca ...
El Govern treballa per ampliar la xarxa de fibra òptica de titularitat pública, amb l’objectiu d’estendre la connectivitat ...
Ha mort als 57 anys. Exèquies, avui, a les 9 del matí, a la sala de cerimònies del tanatori de Sabadell. Blas Cárceles Lladó 87 Sabadell 07/02/2025 Ampliar informació(+) Ha mort als 87 anys. Exèquies, ...
Ha mort als 95 anys. Exèquies, demà, a les 12 del migdia, a la parròquia de Sant Cristófol de Súria.