Plot: The story follows Ted Black (played by Stephen Amell), a New York federal prosecutor who moves to Los Angeles to represent the city’s most powerful clients. As he steps into a role he’s ...
Suits is returning - but this time, it's leaving the Big Apple behind and is heading to the West Coast. NBC has released the ...
On Friday, a new trailer for the upcoming spin-off Suits: LA has dropped, and fans won’t have to wait much longer for the ...
NCIS is flatlining in the ratings, and after CBS canceled some of the spinoffs, there's a good chance it will end soon.
Suits: L.A. has begun laying the groundwork for Gabriel Macht's upcoming return as Harvey Specter. A new promo for the NBC ...
Stephen Fry shared a rare tribute to his husband Elliot Spencer on their 10th wedding anniversary in a sweet Instagram post on Friday. Stephen, 67, and Elliot, 36, who were last pictured together ...
Sir Stephen Fry has shared a rare photo with his husband, Elliott Spencer, to commemorate their 10th wedding anniversary. The former QI host, 67, and actor and comedian, 36, tied the knot in ...
Sir Stephen Fry has shared a rare photo with his husband, Elliott Spencer, to commemorate their 10th wedding anniversary. The former QI host, 67, and actor and comedian, 36, tied the knot in January ...
President-elect Donald Trump's incoming deputy chief of staff for policy Stephen Miller joins 'The Story' to react to President Biden's farewell address and discuss plans for the border.
Former pop icon Jessica Simpson and husband Eric Johnson are reportedly on the verge of divorce. The once Hollywood power couple allegedly have been facing problems in their relationship for quite a ...