Sony Pictures on Wednesday said that it is pushing back the release date of its latest Insidious movie a year to August 2026, and in its place dating the Darren Aronofsky-directed Caught Stealing ...
Following the success of Men in Black 3, Smith, Jones, and Barry Sonnenfeld, director of the first three films, said in ...
Sony Corp. has shaken up its leadership ranks, naming Hiroki Totoki as corporate CEO while Hideaki Nishino is elevated to CEO ...
Sony Pictures has Eddie Murphy poised to star in Blue Falcon, a two-hander action comedy, after the studio acquired a script by Chad St. John.
(WNDU) - Sony Pictures Entertainment’s “One of Them Days” brings the comedy to theaters this weekend. The comedy stars Keke ...
Sony Corp. shook up the top leadership of the company as well as at its major PlayStation division. It has appointed Hiroki Totoki as CEO.