A controversial large solar park will now go ahead on farmland in north Devon. Plans for solar panels and a battery storage ...
Villagers have joined hands in protest against plans to build a solar farm that, if built, is believed would be one of the ...
The vote at Monday’s town meeting was prompted by a proposal from two developers to build a commercial solar farm at a former ...
The influx of solar farms is causing a stir in Kingsville. As a result, Baltimore County Councilman David Marks has proposed legislation that would require solar facilities to be at least 1,000 ...
Plans to erect a solar farm which would have covered an area equivalent to 80 football pitches on green belt land have been ...
The New England solar farm, near Uralla in northern NSW, is currently rated at 400 megawatts (MW) but will grow to a country-leading 720 MW when the second state of the project is completed by its ...