Greece loses around half its drinking water from leaky pipes and theft, government figures show - nearly twice the EU average ...
In Athens, the fifth century BC served as a period in which art and thought flourished, and it defines our image of Ancient ...
Athens was deeply polarized over big-picture questions, and Socrates was never hesitant to question both sides’ assumptions – ...
Moreover, a crippling 2009-18 debt crisis has led to years of underinvestment. Greece loses around half its drinking water from leaky pipes and theft, government figures show - nearly twice the EU ...
Renaissance thinkers saw their own era as a reenactment of the great dramas of Greek history. What drove this comparison?
Researchers are testing whether LLMs can use methods borrowed from ancient philosophy to answer complex questions ...
Researchers studying sediment cores recovered from mainland Greece and the Aegean Sea have found the oldest known evidence of ...
According to Plato, love’s aim is not to complete us, but to inspire us to grow and become the best human being we can be.
1. Lovingreading or loving-reading (a double verb, conjugated as transitive, where what one loves-reads is someone or something, Lysias or the book). 2. Loving reading (in which case, it is reading ...
Socrates “Soc” Sakolevidis was born in Canton ... and many cousins in Thessaloniki, Greece. Soc had a dynamic and intense personality. When he entered into a room his presence was known.