My friends and I were gathered in my backyard, discussing Netflix’s hit show, Old Enough!, in which Japanese toddlers run ...
All work and no play, they say, makes Jack a dull boy. Today, pupils are holed-up in tigt accommodations that act as school ...
Michel'le Pratt is outraged after she says her son, a student at Maury High School in Norfolk, was beaten at the school by ...
Palmer Playground from its iconic mural, Against Domestic Colonialism, which famously appeared in Paul Simon’s 1988 music ...
The Onalaska School District has secured a $200,000 Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools Grant to fund the construction of an additional covered play shed for Onalaska Elementary School. Fencing has gone up ...
Squeals of excitement peeled through the air Wednesday as Kiwanis of Robeson Lumberton members celebrated Tanglewood Elementary students in the K-Kids Program.
The renovation of KidsView Park is complete, and it officially opened back up on Friday. We talked to Longview Parks and ...
Thursday evening’s Trigg County Board of Education meeting opened differently than most, when three parents — each with ...
Police have issued an arrest warrant for a teenager who fired gun shots near an elementary school in Dauphin County, ...
As a Nature Everywhere Community, Cedar Rapids schools will add “greenery” to some school yards and playgrounds. That could ...
More classrooms, a storm shelter, and moving a playground to a safer spot are on the ballot April 1. All this is in the form ...
A video shared dozens of times across social media showed a bus driver in Washington County shouting at students and calling ...