The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
The 12th-Dynasty king Senwosret II’s devotion ... Both north and south of the pyramid are tombs for royal women. To the north, there are four superstructures, now determined by Arnold to be ...
Researchers discovered a royal tomb ... “lost” Abydos Dynasty. The expedition was led by a team of researchers from University of Pennsylvania, who believe that the tomb’s owner reigned ...
Gyeongbok Palace, established in 1395, was the dynasty's primary palace ... the Royal Culture Festival and the Korea Heritage Joseon Royal Tombs Festival as well as expanded programs like night ...
An exhibition exploring the medical system of the Joseon era and the activities of Confucian physicians and medical officials ...
A signboard of Seonwonjeon Hall, a venue that displayed the portraits of past kings of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) and hosted royal ceremonies, has been returned from Japan. The Korea Heritage ...