Researchers from São Paulo State University (UNESP), at its Tupã campus in Brazil, have developed and tested a new geospatial ...
Google says that lots of people tend to take screenshots when they're planning a trip. Instead of letting those images become ...
At SlatorCon Remote March 2025, panelists share how GenAI can help businesses take localization from cost center to growth ...
Using the MISS brain-mapping technique, they profiled 1.3 million cells in mice to pinpoint which cell types are most affected. Researchers have created a four-dimensional brain map that reveals how ...
These are critical raw materials; critical both because we need them in almost every gadget and technology, but also because the supply chain is so precarious ...
This text and the language in the corresponding map was updated in consultation with ... In rare cases, they presently exist. An example of this would be the burrnesha of Albania, women who ...
In the first video edition of the Communicable Research Podcast, Andy Tattersall speaks to his NIHR funded Knowledge for Public Health (KNOW-PH) mobilisation colleagues. As part of the Festival of ...