These scripts and codes are under WTFPL verion 2 license, a GPL-campatible free license. The modification version of RELION is under the same license of RELION, which is GPL ver.2. Please cite our ...
The ruins of the doomed superyacht Bayesian that sunk off the Sicilian coast will be raised from the sea bed — as officials search for more clues about the tragic wreck. Italian authorities will ...
The wreckage of the Bayesian superyacht where Brit billionaire Mike Lynch, his daughter and five others died on is set to be raised from the sea bed in a bid to find any more clues about the disaster.
First, we need to create an input pipeline file for RELION that contains paths to all micrograph files we are going to process, the STAR file. Click on job type "Import" in job selector, Input the ...