Known as Attack on Titan: Volume 0, it was Isayama's very first draft as a mangaka at 19 years-old in 2006. Upon its release, the work won the Fine Work award in the Magazine Grand Prix by Kodansha.
This Titan possesses incredibly sharp and powerful claws, but its greatest strength is obviously its jaw, which is filled with hardened teeth that are capable of biting through just about anything.
The cemetery was used from around 100 B.C. to 200 A.D. "That was really jaw-dropping — it's never been observed before in European prehistory," said study co-author Lara Cassidy, a geneticist at ...
A British man has gone viral after he detailed the jaw-dropping side-effect of a cosmetic procedure that is booming in popularity. The cosmetic treatment, often obtained by men experiencing ...
Mario Kart fans are pouring over yesterday's reveal of a new entry in Nintendo's racing series for Switch 2 - and have come up with a few more clues on how the game might play. Our first look at ...
I didn’t expect Bob to last all season but my jaw fell when Boston Rob Mariano ... outcome if I had been more informed about Rob’s gameplay on other shows. Now objectively, as exciting as ...
Steve Zahn has always been the pepper on steak and the salt on chips. He’s always welcome, a perfect addition, and makes everything he’s a part of that much better. Lately, Zahn’s been ...
Attack on Titan may have officially ended a few years ago, but The Last Attack movie is set to extend that goodbye in February. A feature-length presentation of Attack on Titan's final two ...
Insomniac's recent games have also been showcases of slick action, so there's a good chance that the studio will deliver some cutting-edge gameplay with Wolverine that's balanced by the developer ...
And that’s about as much story as the trailer wants to give us before going right into the meat of things: the gameplay. We do know that the story will be delivered with more cutscenes this time ...