The burqa was strictly enforced during the first Taliban government rule of Afghanistan. Read more at
Indore began the celebration of Rang Panchami on Wednesday with its traditional Ger procession, attracting scores of ...
Young, urban women in Afghanistan are increasingly ditching the all-enveloping blue burqa with a face mesh that has become a ...
The family’s calls for justice have focused mostly on the alleged killer and beg the question – what does justice look like ...
Two Tallahassee Police Department cars were spray painted with explicit anti-Trump graffiti. Two police cars were spray ...
Threatening racist phone calls and hateful remarks aimed at the Riverhead-based nonprofit The Butterfly Effect Project have ...
Godrey Brokenrope appeared in court on two charges of deliberate homicide for the 2023 murders of a father and his baby. Brokenrope pleaded not guilty and was ordered to be held on a half a ...
We should all be particularly concerned by the finding that young teens face more use of force by police when stopped than any other age group.” ...
The federal bribery and corruption trial of former Sen. Bob Menendez's wife, Nadine Arslanian Menendez, is to begin March 18 ...
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that former Lt. David Donkochik, 53, of ...
A wife admitted to police that her husband had a gun while making threats to people traveling in a golf cart in The Villages.