The orsillus maculatus, a rare spore spreading seed bug, is known to be invasive to cypress and conifer trees.
Eastern white pine is a very handsome tree widely used for landscaping, windbreaks and visual barriers. It can be hard to ...
We are living in the depths of winter. It’s not the first time for most of us — w e know what it takes. Warmer clothes, ...
These small conifer trees for birds provide food and refuge in all seasons. These varieties are perfect for small landscapes.
Red pine is a shade intolerant, long-lived species and is one of the most genetically uniform forest trees, reaching heights of 60 to 150 ... The evergreen needles are long, dark green, soft, and ...
A number of readers have inquired as to the status of garden soil or landscaped ground following a fire.
The Eastern white pine has great significance to wildlife. Numerous species of songbirds ... Twigs – Thin, brown/green twigs. Cones – 3-7” long, cylindrical, often covered in white resin. Bark – Thin ...
Male trees have small pollen-producing cones that appear in clusters ... neither a yew, nor a pine, nor a fern – common names so often being misleading. It is the northern-most growing species in its ...
Young children can learn about math concepts through activities rooted in exploring the outdoors.
The deadly Wangary bushfire 20 years ago appears to have been the final nail in the coffin for rare yellow-tailed black cockatoos on the Eyre Peninsula. There are fewer than a dozen birds left alive.
But kids will! And when out on the hunt, that first sight of the species they are targeting can flood the little guys with ...
A new bush-food garden at Piyura Kitina/Risdon Cove in Tasmania will offer access to native edible plants that were once more ...