The researchers fear that this increased negative interaction could lead to local extinctions of native salmonids, similar to ...
The Village of Solomon, a tribal corporation based in Nome, is hoping to boost their energy security and lower fuel costs by ...
John Lyle, formerly of Fairbanks and now living in Hawaii, sent photos from the 1990s of snow oozing off his late friend Bill ...
The bill would require designated seats on the seven-member board to represent commercial, sport and subsistence sectors, ...
The three people - including two young children - survived by clinging onto the side of the Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser light ...
A pilot and his two young daughters have survived on the wing of a plane for about 12 hours after it crashed and was ...
The Cessna flight was set to brave a 140 mile journey through icy conditions Feb. 6, but never arrived to its destination. A ...
Freezing rain was reported in Nome at the time of the crash. A large weather front over Western Alaska created the potential ...
The National Transportation Safety Board says a commuter plane that crashed on sea ice off Alaska and killed all 10 people on ...
All 10 people on board were killed when the plane, flying in poor visibility, plunged into sea ice near Nome in February.
The Bering Air flight that crashed near Nome last month, killing the pilot and all nine passengers, was more than 1,000 pounds too heavy for the icy ...