Five years after the global shortages of toilet paper at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump’s proposed ...
To support his claim that “Cottonelle’s hole is huge now,” he pulls previous toilet paper rolls from his trash; they are significantly smaller than the Cottonelle roll he originally showed viewers.
If you have trouble pooping, a footstool like a Squatty Potty might help make it easier for you to "go." We tested five of ...
If your toilet paper holder is coming loose, repair the problem before it causes damage to your wall. This simple product ...
Then, you go – one, two or both. Toilet paper goes right into the film baggy – just don't overfill it! After finishing up, one presses the button on the face of the Sunny to kick on the ...
But all this toilet talk got me to wondering: I may not like the look of mine, but how much has the aesthetic of toilets changed over the years — and centuries? To take a quick dive into the history ...
KP Tissue Inc., part owner of Canada’s largest toilet and tissue paper producer, says it won’t provide guidance for its next quarter and has delayed a decision on a major capital investment ...
It would be shockingly easy to empty America’s store shelves of toilet paper. A weeks-long bog-roll panic could be provoked, right now, with only a few words from a Canadian leader. The tissue ...
China’s highest court has called for a crack down on the activities of paper mills, businesses that churn out fraudulent or poor-quality manuscripts and sell authorships. Some researchers are ...
“Like the fitted sheet no one can fold,” one user wrote. Another shared, “Toilet paper and a terrible tan.” “Spare a square?,” asked a third while a fourth dubbed her “Kleenex ...
International Paper has laid off over 2,500 employees and closed multiple facilities since October. The Memphis-based company cited a need to align resources with customer needs and become a ...