"UNSMIL is alarmed by the wave of arbitrary arrest and detentions across Libya by law enforcement and security actors," it ...
Moscow has been building influence in Libya since the NATO-facilitated overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, after which the country split into several warring factions. The North African nation ...
VIKING NEBULA shows what happens when military operation planners try to come up with a good mission name, unlike Odyssey ...
1521French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has said he regards any preparations for a military intervention in Libya as unjustified "in the current context". "I ask you to think about the consequences a ...
Libya has been at the heart of a brutal aggression and foreign occupation since 2011. This criminal war is getting more serious by the day, with no ray of hope that the situation could normalise soon.
General Mark Rutte will try to prove to Donald Trump in their Thursday meeting that he — and the nearly eight-decade partnership — still matter.
So NATO took on new missions by establishing no-fly zones in Bosnia and Libya, put its flag on the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, and started advising Iraqi forces in Baghdad. After the Russian ...
In 2011, NATO again used military force outside the purview of Article 5, this time against Libya. The NATO-enforced no-fly zone enjoyed U.N. backing, but morphed into a regime change operation.
"I ask you to think about the consequences a Nato intervention in Libya could have. It is probable that it could reunite Arab public opinion and peoples against the north of the Mediterranean.