God is interested in your glory, your honor, your Joy. wearing garments of honor” often refers to the special priestly garments commanded by God in Exodus 28, signifying holiness, glory, and beauty in ...
Like Aaron and his sons, Jesus is appointed by God to office of priest. His once-for-all sacrifice finally and forever ...
Can you actually achieve a triple bottom line—people, planet and profit—in clothing manufacture? CEPA shows the way.
The priestly garments were impressive and may have swayed Jewish History. Alexander the Great had a dream that he would meet the Kohein Hagadol in all of his splendor. When this came true when he ...
Rav Kook asked the question as to why the portion dealing with the priestly garments, was the one chosen to omit Moshe’s name. The answer was hinted to by the Midrash that tells us that Moshe ...
A former priest with a child molestation conviction who was stripped of his American citizenship has been sentenced to a year in prison, authorities said Thursday. Antonio Velez-Lopez, a 69-year ...
This week's Torah portion of Tetzaveh introduces us to the world of the kohanim, the priestly descendants of Aaron, and their garments of glory. Nowhere else does the Torah give such elaborate ...
So the text suddenly turns to the Sabbath: 31:12 “And the Lord said to Moses, 13 “Speak ... years of looking at the high priest’s complex designed garments. About the Author Rabbi Allen ...
Sacred Garments and the Betrayal of Moral Responsibility ... while others are remembered for destruction and tyranny. Moses: The Legacy of Monotheism, Ethics, and Law Moses was not just a prophet ...
The priestly garments are meant to create dignity and splendor but whose dignity and splendor? The Eben Ezra explains, "They shall glorify themselves with these garments, for no other Israelite ...
In the rabbinic period, there were those among the sages who assigned these special garments an even greater ... [in the Torah that discusses] the priestly vestments (Exodus 28) juxtaposed to ...