Palm Beach County launched a website to help clarify news rules and regulations for condominium owners and managers. BOCA ...
The proposed overlay district would allow the developer to build more than double the height now allowed on site.
The city council passed an ordinance to expand zoning laws, allowing for increased housing density. Bisbee is also joinging Sedona in urging the state Legislature to grant local governments more ...
The proposed zoning incentives are part of an evolving strategy by the current Miami Beach City Commission to encourage more residential development in Miami Beach, a city now considered to be ...
Plans for a drug-rehabilitation center near West Palm Beach have fallen apart — a victim of intense opposition from Century Village residents who protested the project at a Zoning Commission ...
except in Miami Beach. The city of Miami Beach is cracking down again on "disorderly crowds, lawless behavior and violence" by letting visitors know which kinds of wild and crazy partying won't fly.
Pledges were allegedly threatened, forced to drink and isolated from all others. A fraternity at Miami University in Ohio has been suspended after a student complained of "inhumane" hazing ...
A 19-story luxury condo tower will rise on the west side of the Intracoastal across from Shooters under a plan that recently won approval from Fort Lauderdale’s Planning and Zoning Board in a ...
Authorities at a news conference Friday said a man who allegedly confessed to two separate murders in Miami and Miami Beach may have been "targeting the elderly, gay community." Zsolt Zsolyomi, 25 ...