What is BMI, and what have been criticisms of its usage? How is the new definition different? In what ways could it change clinical care? Will these changes be forthcoming? And while revisions are ...
To figure out the history behind BMI, we have to look at Flemish statistician Lambert Adolph Jacque Quetelet, who gave us the concept of "social averages." He was searching for the definition of ...
about 20% of people who used to be classified as obese would no longer meet the definition, preliminary analysis suggests. And about 20% of people with serious health effects but lower BMI would ...
Read more Subscribers only Over a billion people clinically obese worldwide "BMI is useful for defining risk. But it's not a measure of body fat, while the definition of obesity is increased body ...
A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy ... That is why Rubino and his colleagues want to introduce more nuance into the definition of obesity, splitting cases into preclinical and ...
This new definition, published January 14 in the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, could shift the paradigm of clinical care for the 890 million adults worldwide who are currently ...