While most Númenóreans perished, Elendil and his sons, Isildur and Anárion, led the Faithful to safety by sailing to ...
Gondor and Rohan were each other's most important allies in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, but the War of the Ring ...
Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings films omitted fascinating book characters like Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel, and Prince ...
A strong and loyal character, Aragorn was one of the most courageous in The Lord of the Rings, and some of his best quotes prove it.
While J.R.R. Tolkien's detailed history of his fictional world includes thousands of years of different cultures, one family is especially notable. Long before his birth, Aragorn's (Viggo ...
The Magic: The Gathering card Worship has started to move upward in price. The Lord of the Rings version of this enchantment cost a dollar or less at the start of the year, but now copies are going ...
J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy ... One of the most iconic moments of his arc came when Aragorn urged him to seek aid from Gondor, only for Théoden to bitterly respond ...
Questions surrounding Orc origins and redemption remain open-ended in Tolkien's lore ... Some fans suggest that Aragorn's statement may have been a simplification, exaggeration, or just plain ...