NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small Christian communities that gather in the home ...
Tim Murray writes: Philippians 2.6-11 (often known as the ‘Philippian Christ Hymn’) is one of the most important texts in the New Testament for our Christology. It seems to speak of the pre-existence ...
“It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you cry, it’ll make you want to hug your neighbor, hug your family member, and just really be thankful that you’re alive. And it’s a great story,” he went on to say.
A total of 251 people were taken in the attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. We’re tracking what happened to each of them. Twenty-three Israelis who were taken hostage on Oct. 7, 2023, including ...
It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am afraid that we are living in an evangelical culture ... God raised Him from the dead. Jesus is alive and is reigning as the one Mediator in heaven at the ...
Let us hear and proclaim the message of hope and confidence, that Christ is alive and at work. The words of Brian Wren’s hymn speak more eloquently than I can. Christ is alive! Let Christians sing.