It is one of the oldest of political tricks – candidate puts up campaign signs, opponent takes them down. But in the case of ...
The faint rustling of cardigans. A soft shuffle of Scrabble letters. The nearly-audible yearning for visits from ...
Andrew Wallace, the incumbent LNP Federal Member for Fisher, has been the target of a Nazi graffiti attack. A trailer bearing ...
Stirewalt believes Trump “tipped over” Canadian politics by giving Canadians a “common enemy” in Trump and U.S. trade policy.
One of the few areas of major divergence at this election is what Australia’s energy future looks like. Labor’s commitment to ...
A new poll from Abacus Data shows Canadians have completely changed their view of the federal government’s performance in the ...
Democrats are struggling to determine whether to be liberal or centrist, as their mixed messaging has cost them elections and ...
Readers react to threatening US letters that have been sent to Australian scientists, and the war of the corflutes.
Monique Ryan sinking into a bog at the hands of her husband’s Pythonesque stupidity has stunted the momentum the teals had ...
Another set of Liberal Party campaign posters has been vandalised in a teal independent-held Victorian seat, with footage ...
“In less than three years, we’ve turned two big Liberal deficits into two Labor surpluses, shrunk this year’s deficit, and ...