Centroprawicowy rząd Luisa Montenegro nie uzyskał we wtorek wotum zaufania od Zgromadzenia Republiki, co oznacza jego dymisję. W maju obywatele Portugalii będą musieli po raz trzeci w ciągu trzech lat ...
Portugalia jest gotowa do wysłania swoich wojsk na Ukrainę w ramach misji stabilizacyjnej - ogłosił w nocy z czwartku na piątek portugalski premier Luis Montenegro po zakończeniu nadzwyczajnego ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Hotel credit cards aren’t for everyone, but they can make a lot of sense to those who are loyal to a specific brand. Cardholders ...
High-end hotel mattresses have mastered the art of accommodation and comfort, having to appeal to a variety of guests with different preferences, needs and sleep postures. If you repeatedly prefer ...
Cameron Sperance is the former senior hotels reporter at TPG. His expertise includes branding, travel data, destinations and loyalty programs. The cards we feature here are from partners who ...
Jesus Guerrero’s family are still seeking answers. Amid the heartbreak surrounding the hairstylist’s sudden death at the age of 34, his sister Gris Guerrero has shared insight on the questions ...
Aside from refreshments, hotel lounges provide a comfortable place to commune with friends and family outside your hotel room (i.e., nobody has to sit on your bed while you chat). Most have lots of ...
W czwartek wieczorem w lizbońskim teatrze Politeama odbyła się prapremiera musicalu “Fatima. Opera rockowa”. Autorem dzieła opowiadającego o objawieniach maryjnych w Fatimie jest Filipe La Feria.
Investopedia / Matthew Collins Euler’s number (e), 2.71828..., is one of the most important constants in mathematics. It's a non-repeating number that never ends. It's found in many contexts ...