Learn how to participate in Safe Sleep Week to help reduce the risk of infant sleep-related injury and death in Canada. Safe Sleep Week is an annual awareness campaign to promote infant safe sleep ...
This Thursday and Friday, March 13 and 14, area restaurants are honoring 313 Day and Pi Day with a few special deals.
The Press & Sun-Bulletin / pressconnects.com will consider publishing guest columns on local topics up to 500 words and we also accept letters to the editor up to 200 words on various topics.
Poor sleep is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which claims more lives each year in the U.S. than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined, according to ...
On Sunday, March 9, we spring forward and lose a precious hour of sleep. The loss can be tough, making Daylight Saving Time a great time to re-evaluate your and your loved ones’ sleeping habits.
For anyone who has either lived through it, had family who sacrificed during WWII or is a student of history: the looming question was always: How in the world did the German population allow ...
Research suggests that lifting weights can help older people beat insomnia. Experts found that resistance or muscle-strengthening exercises, such as lifting dumbbells or using gym equipment, helped ...
This common sleep problem can negatively impact health, work and daily life. But a new study, published in the journal Family Medicine And Community Health, found resistance training to be more ...
Want better sleep in your older years? Time to grab some weights. Exercise, but particularly those workouts that incorporate resistance to improve muscular strength, can be helpful for older ...
However, a person experiencing insomnia may want to schedule Lexapro for the morning. Lexapro, the brand name for the antidepressant escitalopram, is a daily medication. Taking Lexapro every day ...
I never lost it, just on hiatus for a little bit,” said Mindy. Remember to join our Buddy Check 3 program. Click here to sign up with a friend or family member so you can help each other ...