After having declared Prakrits to be classical, it is redundant to accord the status to the modern-day new Indic languages.
Sarvam AI’s AI stack will be hosted on-premise within UIDAI’s air-gapped infrastructure, ensuring that no data leaves its ...
It doesn't mention any language specifically, but adds that at least two should be "native to India". Stalin has cited a ...
IndicTrans3-beta is a state-of-the-art (SOTA) multilingual translation model designed to support translations across 22 Indic ...
The Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages (LDC-IL), a scheme of the Ministry of Education implemented at the Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) in Mysuru, is organising a national ...
It doesn't mention any language specifically, but adds that at least two should be "native to India". Stalin has cited a number of reasons for not implementing the NEP. But it is his allegation ...