Be sure every member of your family knows the phone number for this contact and has a cell phone, coins or a prepaid phone card to call the emergency ... a floor plan of your home.
This flyer includes tips for completing the Family Emergency Plan template. To download a copy of our Home Emergency & Go-Bag supply checklist, click the icon above. Click above to download a fillable ...
The IEMP includes the Emergency Procedures Guide, Emergency Operations Center procedures, a Building Emergency Plan template, the PurdueALERT process and additional plans. The IEMP ensures the ...
The Emergency Operations Plan establishes the policies, procedures, and organizational structure for response to emergencies that cause a significant disruption to all or portions of the university.
We’ve prepared these simple tips to answer the pressing question: How do you create an emergency preparedness plan for your family? With the generous support of people like you, our emergency teams ...
Prepare essential items in a "go bag," such as a backpack and keep a sturdy pair of shoes and a flashlight by your home bed in case of a sudden nighttime evacuation, according to Cal Fire. For your ...