And then, gently lift the chest as if you're drawing the chest forward and you're drawing the hand slightly back to your body. And gently come out of Sphinx Pose. If you'd like, you can try Up Dog.
Beginner’s poses are easily accessible and ... From your hands and knees, move your right foot forward and place it on the ...
Look out over your right hand. Hold for 3 to 5 deep breaths, then repeat by stepping the left foot forward and completing the ...
Extend your arms parallel to the floor, gazing over your front hand. This pose encourages ... reach for your toes, and fold forward. This pose calms the mind and relieves anxiety, making it ...
And then just fold and relax into Standing Forward Fold ... you can take the right hand off the ground, put it on the heart. This pose opens the chest. Coming back to the floor, just gently ...
Moving into Forward Bend, which is also known as Uttanasana ... Extend your arms parallel to the ground, gazing over your front hand. This pose not only energizes the body but also instills ...