The Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom anime film will release in Indian theatres on Friday, January 17, 2025, confirmed by PVR Pictures. The film will release in Japanese audio with English subtitles.
The latest Evangelion anime and McDonald's collaboration release has been revealed, giving mecha fans a new look at three ...
E very since the Dynasty Warriors franchise first debuted, it has become very common for Koei to offer their services to ...
Every generation produces hard-hitting animated movies and series with stories that stay with you long after the credits roll. However, most fans of the genre would likely agree that their favorite ...
What with, almost, all of 'Macross' now available on Hulu, it’s worth looking back at the saga’s huge popularity and what ...
Yonezu might be perhaps best known in the anime world for Chainsaw Man’s first season theme song, Kick Back. The opening theme for Denji’s animated adventure was one that shattered records and became ...
Transformers has had more animated series than we can count but not nearly as many representations of the warring robots in ...
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just yet.
or diverge into situations that transcend the world of Mobile Suit Gundam series; thus providing both a sense of recreation and distinct battles.
Are you tempted by the thought of a new Gundam miniatures game? Could you get sucked into building mecha for Gundam now that there's a game attached to it? Are you already a fan and see this is as a ...
There’s a common theme for the most-watched animated series in 2024. They all come from existing and familiar universes ...