In Ephesians 2:1-3, Paul tells us the lost sinner “is dead in trespasses and sins.” Satan and the world system keeps them in a constant state of deception, separated from God, doomed to face ...
Sherry Weddell is a lay Catholic apologist and evangelist whose life’s work involves studying American Catholics and figuring out how to bring them into a spiritually active life within the ...
As followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to become as close to God as we desire, and the result is an increased ...
God commands the Children of Israel to build a Sanctuary for Him, providing excruciating detail regarding every aspect of its ...
is a personal God communicates with people as individuals and can intervene in their lives if necessary is a person who has relationships with people, but cannot be tied to any particular ...
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready... This is a statement that has been said for many centuries, and many say it today, ...