God is promising these good things in this entire reading: ...
Pits are mentioned in the Scriptures frequently. Joseph was thrown in one and then pulled out to be sold to some merchants ...
What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on ...
It does not necessarily matter what a pastor or a church group says. We should not blindly accept what is going on in ...
Probably because we finally come to realize that selflessness brings a freedom self-seeking can never match. That’s another ...
I haven’t heard that folk hymn in church in years. And I find myself wondering if we could even sing it anymore without ...
Yet while most of us can always use a lesson in humility, with this Lenten season halfway over, I wanted to spend time on the ...
To go and proclaim the Gospel, we first need to set down the burden of our history at the feet of the Lord, to consign to him ...
Jane Walters justifies her habit of defacing her books, especially her Bibles, and encourages us to do the same!
Have you ever heard God calling you? God still extends His call today but whether or not we hear God’s call depends greatly ...
Tombstone is one of the best Western films ever made. It is bookended by two lines that reveal grisly meanings many fans ...
Kevin Burns says every day is the best day of his life. In his nearly 30 years on death row, he has been ordained as a pastor and started a church.