In a bust to rival a Hollywood production, one of the nation’s elite police squads has brought down a group set to perform a kidnapping.
The Arvada Police Department will be giving out location tracking devices to residents as part of its Auto Theft Reduction ...
WASHINGTON — Some D.C. school buses are part of a safety pilot program that could keep students and drivers safer on the road ...
Just three months after purchasing his 2017 Infiniti, Tony Frachalla found his car stolen while parked in a well-lit area ...
The Denver Police Department is giving out hundreds of Apple AirTags and Samsung SmartTags as part of a program called ...
The Denver Police Department is fighting against auto thefts by offering 450 free AirTag and SmartTag Bluetooth location ...
Fans from as close as Canada to as far away as Japan and New Zealand reported a discrepancy during FOX’s first IndyCar Series ...
The Denver Police Department is giving away free AirTags to help prevent car thefts and to catch thieves quicker.
The pothole outside Timothy Taylor's home was so deep, he could hear the clunk of cars hitting it from inside his house.
The thefts started last month, with the latest happening Sunday in the Gage Park, West Lawn, and Armour Square neighborhoods.