Yep!” “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” “You're my boy, Blue!” “Milk was a bad choice.” Chances are you know at least one of these Will Ferrell quotes, and if you do, you probably know ...
These phrases are known far and wide in Ireland. Find out what they really mean in time for St. Patrick's Day.
Kansas City is moving to end its contract with KC Pet Project for animal control services and shift responsibilities to the Neighborhood Services Department by the end of the year. On Thursday, the ...
Sheriff Mikkelson said that both times they administered a field sobriety test on McCurry, he blew over four times the legal blood alcohol content limit. McCurry pleaded not guilty, but the judge ...
Kautilya, the 4th century BC Indian economist and statesman, did not approve of people taking alcohol. In ‘Chanakya Neethi’ or ... Hence, Mathata Thitha needs to be upgraded from a mere slogan to ...