T cells constantly survey the body for signs of infection or malignancy through the recognition of fragments of antigens (peptides) complexed to molecules of the major histocompatibility complex.
Melatonin can freely cross the placenta and exert effects on the mother and fetus. The present work aimed to analyze the effects of exogenous administration of melatonin during pregnancy on the ...
The rarest blood type is Rhnull. Unlike other blood types, people with Rhnull blood have no Rh antigens on their red blood cells. Healthcare professionals classify blood type according to the ...
Epi­to­pea has inked a li­cense and re­search col­lab­o­ra­tion with Mer­ck to dis­cov­er new tu­mor-spe­cif­ic anti­gens from so-called “dark mat­ter” DNA, which are parts of ...
Merck & Co. has penned a $300 million biobucks-per-product deal with cancer biotech Epitopea to identify previously secret antigens that could form the backbone of off-the-shelf immunotherapies.
What makes your blood different from someone else’s is your unique combination of protein molecules, called antigens and antibodies. Antigens live on the surface of your red blood cells.
SKL of Marine Food Processing & Safety Control, National Engineering Research Center of Seafood, School of Food Science and Technology, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034, China SKL of ...
State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China Department of Andrology, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medical ...
Rediscovery of the glymphatic system in the CNS has allowed for improved understanding of how T cells are primed and activated against CNS-derived antigens (11, 12). Conceivably, T cells encounter ...