ESPAÑOLA One-hundred-and-one Chihuahuas seized from an animal hoarder. Ninety-eight if you exclude the litter of one pregnant Chihuahua named Poptart. The dogs were rescued from a Soccoro County home ...
Matthew Abeyta is no longer the athletic director at Española Valley High School. In an email obtained by The New Mexican, Abeyta informed fellow ADs across the state Tuesday he would no longer be ...
City Manager Eric Lujan called police to "remove" a man who argued with his girlfriend from a recent mariachi concert.
The Administrative Office of the Courts’ Operations Division will alert people who have bench warrants living within a 50-miles of the host courthouse.
An investigation is ongoing after a male driver was killed in a single-vehicle crash in Española. Police officers noticed the ...
High temperatures continue to climb across the state this afternoon. This warmer weather will be lasting through the end of ...