Jacksonville waits to see if $2.8 million grant for 100 electrical vehicle charging stations survives President Trump's vow ...
A day after General Counsel Michael Fackler invalidated City Council approval of Meridian Waste rate, councilman seeks ...
People in Jacksonville lined Legends Center Monday to ask questions about the city's budget and priorities for the coming ...
As the fire-ravaged West Coast begins to grapple with the realities of rebuilding, the cost of the disaster and the scale of ...
His legislation is aimed at addressing a growing “loan” that is subsidizing waste hauling with public funding.
Jacksonville's 'most skilled administrator' leaves a major record of accomplishment in his wake in his beloved, adopted home.
Mayor Deegan's first town hall asking residents what they want in budget featured questions about funding law enforcement and ...
The Jacksonville community has the opportunity to offer input at Mayor Donna Deegan’s Budget Town Hall meetings.