“Those dogs do not get a free kill or a free serious injury to someone. They are going to be euthanized,” Miller said. Miller ...
Victor Farris is the lead trainer at KC Dawgz Dog Training Academy and said, unfortunately, these kinds of incidents can happen with any kind of dog.
A dog trainer has taken to social media to share the 'only tip you need' to stop your pet from pulling on the lead - and ...
A dog trainer has shared a simple trick dog owners can use to stop their pets from pulling on the lead – and says it will ...
Southend Dog Training has taken to social media to share the best technique to use to stop your dog from pulling on their ...
In a viral Tiktok video, a dog trainer from Nashville, Tennessee, followed users' advice to pet her Belgian malinois puppy to calm him down, but it didn't exactly go as they had suggested it would.
There's been lots of conjecture online and in the neighborhood that the dogs involved in the maulings were trained to attack.
Sarge, the dog who attacked a volunteer at The Animal Haven Shelter, has been euthanized, according to a statement published ...
My dog constantly barks at and tries to bite clouds of weed smoke. Please help. He almost took out my friend's girlfriend in ...
The dangerous dog statute is very unique under the law as there is no other crime where restrictions on the property follow ...
A territorial dog can ultimately bite, so it’s critical that you put the safety of any visitors at the very top of your list.
WALB found that animal behavior and phychology training is only a mandated training for law enforcment agencies in some states. Georgia is not one of them.