The grant represents more than just a fix—it’s a step toward a stronger, more sustainable future with clean, efficient, and ...
As bridges across the United States keep aging and deteriorating, we’re at the turning point of what will happen in the ...
Japan is home to a wide variety of train stations, from tiny countryside sheds to sprawling urban complexes, stations with their own wineries and ones with giant ancient relics whose eyes glow. It’s ...
The federal government is spending nearly $10 million to create more than 5,000 new grave sites for Lowcountry veterans at the Beaufort National Cemetery in one final expansion for the revered 163 ...
Faye Brennan is a content strategist & consultant, editor, writer, digital creator, and entrepreneur. She’s been ...
Brian is a New York–based science and health journalist. His work has been published by The Atlantic, The Paris Review, The New York Times For Kids, CBS News, The TODAY Show, Barron's PENTA ...
There's a growing problem for older Americans: doctors who specialize in geriatric care are dwindling. More than 80 million Americans are expected to be older than 65 by 2050, according to the US ...
Fred and Betty Schlissel met on a Halloween blind date, fell in love and got married. The couple bought a house, raised three children and traveled around the world. More than 70 years later ...
Chicago — Medical researchers in Chicago are studying the difference between a person's chronological age — how many years they've lived — and their biological age, how old their body ...
MINNEAPOLIS — St. Anthony Falls on the upper Mississippi River is beloved for its beauty, but it's also sacred to Native tribes and the dam up top helps control Minneapolis' drinking water supply.
Ever wondered how ready-mix concrete is mass-produced for construction? In modern concrete factories, raw materials like cement, sand, gravel, and water are precisely measured and mixed in massive ...