This new superconducting prototype quantum processor achieved benchmarking results to rival Google's new Willow QPU.
At the core of every smartphone, computer, and digital gadget lies a technological marvel that has transformed the 20th and ...
Dubbed Ocelot, it’s designed to correct errors with less hardware overhead.
President Trump announced that a leading Taiwanese semiconductor chip company plans to invest $100 billion in new manufacturing plants in the U.S.
In FY24, the total value of monolithic integrated circuits imports was ₹1.05 lakh crore, a 2,000% increase compared with FY16 ...
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, or ASICs, are chips designed for specific tasks. Designing and manufacturing an ASIC helps companies save the amount of energy chip use and boost performance.
Following quantum chip breakthroughs by Microsoft and Google, AWS scientists explain the role transistors play in this ...