While the legendary statues of ancient Greece and Rome are now known the world over as stark white works of art housed in museums and galleries, those who viewed them 2,000 years ago would have had a ...
To find catacombs, go to Rome, home of some of the oldest and longest burial underground tunnels in the world. "Hundreds of kilometers of catacombs run underneath the town and its outskirts," says ...
It may be surprising to learn that just outside Rome’s city walls, there is an extensive system of underground tombs that stretch for an estimated one thousand kilometers. These catacombs mark a ...
Deep below the streets of Rome lie the ancient catacombs where early Christians buried their dead and sustained hope for eternal life. About the same time as the persecution of Decius, middle of ...
Plus de touristes qu’à l’accoutumée sont à prévoir dans la Ville éternelle. Découvrez ce qu’est le Jubilé, comment éviter les foules, que voir et faire durant votre séjour.
(Program not available for streaming.) Beneath the streets of Rome lies a city of the dead known as the Catacombs—a labyrinth of tunnels, hundreds of miles long, lined with the neatly laid out ...
Du 10 au 14 février 2025, neuf personnes du secteur du Boischaut Nord ont eu la joie d’être Pèlerins d’espérance, en ...
Mysterious The crowd People who are into hidden history The guide Unflappable Standouts A room decorated in chandeliers made from a Capuchin monk's vertebrae Best for Travelers curious about a ...
Can interest in 'White Lotus' spur interest in cruises to Thailand?"The White Lotus" takes place at a luxury resort. But some cruise line executives are hoping the show's third season will also ...
L'ossuaire municipal est constitué en 1786 et prend le nom de "Catacombes" en référence aux nécropoles souterraines de la Rome antique. Y sont entreposés les restes de plusieurs millions de ...